Books by Bessie Head (6)


A Question of Power by Bessie Head EN

0 Ratings
"When Elizabeth learns the devastating truth about her mother, locked away for defying Apartheid, she flees South Africa and begins a new life in Botswana, at Motabeng, the village of the rain-wind. But Elizabeth is tormented by two men, Dan and Sello, who represent for her a private vision of hell into which she sinks deeper and deeper. This novel interweaves one woman's terrifying experience of insanity with the madness and cruelty of life in a divided society. A Question of Power is the unforgettable study of an individual - and a race - whose identity has been annihilated, and their result... continue


La Coleccionista de tesoros y otros cuentos de los pueblos de Botsuana by Bessie Head ES

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
A través de trece cuentos, casi costumbristas, la autora nos pinta un excelente fresco de la vida en las aldeas de Botsuana (que no difieren mucho de tantas otras de África), durante el período de transición hacia la independencia del país. Y lo hace a través de personajes muy bien construidos, y ante los cuales pone sus ojos de una manera amable y comprensiva. A diferencia de gran parte de corriente dominante en los escritores africanos de la época (el libro fue escrito en 1977), no hace una mitificación nostálgica de las tradici... continue


The Collector of Treasures and Other Botswana Village Tales by Bessie Head EN

Rating: 5 (1 vote)
Botswana village tales about subjects such as the breakdown of family life and the position of women in this society.


When Rain Clouds Gather by Bessie Head EN

0 Ratings
Two exiles--one white, one black--in a poor village in Botswana struggle with tradition, climate, and the local chief as they try to modernize the villagers' farming methods.


When Rain Clouds Gather & Maru by Bessie Head EN

Rating: 4 (1 vote)
When Rainclouds Gather: Escaping South Africa and his troubled past, Makehaya crosses the border to Botswana, in the hope of leading a peaceful, purposeful life. In the village of Golema Mmidi he meets Gilbert, a charismatic Englishman who is trying to modernise farming methods to benefit the community. The two outsiders join forces, but their task is fraught with hazards: opposition from the corrupt chief, the pressures of tradition, and the unrelenting climate ever threaten to bring tragedy. Maru: Margaret, an orphan from a despised tribe, has lived her life under the loving protection of a ... continue